Conditional Statements

If block If Else Block Nested If Else Block If Else Ladder


Types of Operators Operand Operator Returns Result Arithmetic Operators Addition Operator Subtraction Operator Multiplication Operator Division Operator Moduler Division Operator or Reminder Operator Negation Operator Increment Operator Decrement Operator Postfix and Prefix Notation Comparision Operators Greater Than Operators Less Than Operators Greater Than or Equals To Operators Less Than or Equals To Operators Equals To Operators Not Equals To Operators Strict Equals To Operators Conditional Operator And Operator Or Operator Not Operator Short Circuit Evaluation Real Life Examples Assignment Operator Compund Assignment Operator Ternary Operator Concatenation Operator Unary, Binary and Ternary Operator


Loop While Loop For Loop Do-While Loop Indefinite Loop Nested Loop Break Continue Labeled Break Labeled Continue